Student Organization is a place and way for active students to utilize and develop existing potential as a first step towards the future through achievement, what we go through when we are young will be a picture of what will be achieved in the future.
Therefore, Mercu Buana University through its student coaching program, is committed to assisting the progress of its students based on Clause 89 of the Statute of Mercu Buana University (2018). Student Character Building and Reasoning Bureau (BPKPM) Clause 102 of the UMB Statute.
BKPM, has the main tasks, among others are :
- Plan, facilitate, implement, supervise and evaluate programs and carry out activities related to character development and student reasoning in order to support the improvement of student academic achievement.
- Collaborating with other institutions in the context of developing student character
- Conducting counseling activities for students who need special handling